How my journey began


I deeply believe that Careers are not a one-size fits all anymore.

Do you struggle to get clear on your desires and the path to create a career that makes sense to you?

About 7 years ago I had achieved what many would consider “success”. Stability, a prestigious job, good salary and all. But inside it didn’t feel like success. “Is this it? It feels like something is missing”.

I was looking for fulfilment, meaning, freedom. But I didn’t know how to create such a reality.

And the irony of it all was that I had worked in Recruitment for 10+ years, for incredible organizations (including Nike), enabling others to get the amazing job they were dreaming about. Careers have been my bread & butter for a long time but I didn’t what to do for MY career.

At some point I felt a nudge to change, to try something new. I was ready for the next level adventure.

Have you ever had a little thought that becomes more and more insistent in your mind?

I knew I could use more of my talent at work.
I knew that I wanted to bring a bigger impact in the world.
I knew that I wanted a more international experience.

But I didn’t know where to start.

What am I meant to do? 
What is my purpose?

I started a journey.
Filled with incredible connections and allies.
New experiences and studies.
Failures and insights.
Training and Coaching helped my self-discovery..

After 3 years, new opportunities, hours of reflection and countless conversations, I found my answers. I had my “a-ha!” moment.

I found my purpose and through my coaching resources and programs I want to help others gaining the same clarity and confidence. I bring a unique blend of 15 years of HR experience in leadership roles in Italy, Netherlands, Malaysia and Thailand and coaching tools learnt from international top notch teachers, Western & Eastern studies and tradition, combined with my innate passion and empathy.

Curious on how to get unstuck and unlock your next level, without the endless hours of waiting? Book your Clarity Session today!

What People Are Saying


“Eleonora is the perfect guide to self-reflection thanks to her ability to help you dig deeper into your thoughts and to highlight recurrent patterns in your thinking. Thanks to Eleonora’s coaching I was able to take time to find more personal and professional clarity, which helped me in thinking about my long-term goals. Furthermore, I acquired better self-awareness and this helps focusing on being more coherent in the way I present myself in public.”

— RACHELE, Italy

“Eleonora is a great coach taking you step by step on a journey of reflection that enables you to get clarity on your career goals. The program has a good combination of self-work vs. one-on-one sessions, it helps you progress while you feel supported. The frameworks that Eleonora uses are very easy to apply. Besides, Eleonora is very calm and very easy to relate to, which made my coaching experience environment a very good one.”

— SYLVIA, Colombia


There’s a dream in you. It’s time to unlock it.